Makeover your Medicine Cabinet!

Medicine Cabinet Makeover

How can you replace your existing medicine cabinet with essential oils?

Before we get started there is one fundamental fact that we need to understand. The human body experiences 400 billion chemical reactions/second. These are what create everything we experience physically and emotionally. We are literally walking, talking chemistry labs. This is why ALL medicines, whether developed by men in a laboratory or by God in nature, are CHEMISTRY. With that said...we are blessed to live at a time when so many medical advances havebeen made...for example (share a brief account of when you needed medical attention, ie; broken bones, etc) however...I have found that 9 times out of 10, not only is there an option to the traditional western approach to medicine, but there is a far superior choice. Essential oils are SAFER, CHEAPER, & MORE EFFECTIVE than the traditional health care model so many of us have followed.

What are some of your concerns with the healthcare model you have been using? Perhaps, like me, you have discovered how unaffordable our new "Affordable Healthcare" really is? Or maybe you have felt frustration at watching your loved one suffer through the discomfort of a virus without being able to assist with any kind of relief or comfort? How about the epidemic of prescription drug addiction? These are all concerns I have felt too.

I told you I would share with you a superior choice that is safer, cheaper and more effective. Are you interested? What if there were assistance that wasn't habit forming? That wasn't toxic and didn't require long waiting periods between applications? That costs pennies on the dollar?

Did you know that Peppermint essential oil can be applied to your temples to provide comfort in the midst of a headache?

Essential oils have extremely long expiration dates. They are chemically complex. How many active ingredients are on the back of a bottle of Ibuprofen? Synthetics are typically composed of 1 or 2 chemical constituents. The more complex are composed of 3 or 4. This simplicity results in viruses and bacteria being able to easily evolvepast and develop resistance to the synthetic. This simplicity also makes it so that our bodies can easily develop resistance. Contrast this with the simplest e.o. which is composed of 70 chemical constituents and the most complex of 200. Not only does this result in bugs and our bodies not being able to develop a resistance, it also makes it so that you can get countless different effects from one oil.

Essential oils are bioactive, meaning that because they are designed by the same designer of our bodies, they are molecularly compatible with our makeup. This means that when our body comes into contact with them, they are quickly internalized and NO conversion is necessary. Our cells know what to do with them and the response is typically very quick. Contrast this with synthetics. When we take a synthetic, our body doesn’t recognize it. It goes to the gut where our body breaks it down and converts it so that we can use it. Then the message is sent to the brain where the response is then directed. This is why it takes about 30 minutes typically to feel a response to a synthetic.

Essential oils are a plant’s medicine cabinet. They give the plant the ability to: ward off infection, reproduce, regenerate cells and heal, and grow. They are full of “anti’s”: Viral, fungal, microbial, biotic, spasmodic, inflammatory, analgesic. They are able to penetrate the oily cell membrane and deconstruct viruses that reside internally. Synthetics are water based. This is why when the doctor tells you that you have a viral infection, he says “There is nothing I can do for you, go home and get plenty of rest....”. Essential oils allow you to improve your bodies ability to fight infection in a more gentle and natural way that is not habit forming and has little if any negative side effects.

For tips and suggestions on using essential oils, refer to our Home page, Cautions page as well as our About Oils pages.

Powerpoint presentation for use in your class will be available soon.

A script for this class will also be available for download soon.